How creat Simple Glass Frame

in this tutorial show another simple idea to create glass picture frame.
Final Image Preview:

in first step chose picture to create frame up on,I am chose this one:

make new layer and draw Rectangle and fill in white color

now double click on the layer an do this effects

Step 4
Create new layer , press ctrl + layer1 to select the rectangle , go to select>modify>contract ,put value 20px and press ok , you new selection .

Step 5
go to select>modify>smoth and put value 5px and press ok, fill new rectangle in white color , double click on the new layer and apply this effects :

After apply effects ,pic appears as this result:

Add your favorite pic , must be fit in small rectangle :

Step 7
Create new layer, Press ctrl+layer3 to select the small rectangle, chose Elliptical tool and press Alt and draw an elliptical shape to take this result:

Step 8
Fill new selection in white , change opacity to 15%


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